Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Shop local and SAVE BIG!

If you haven't heard yet, buying fresh fruits and vegetables locally is the in thing to do. You have probably been told  at least once you should be buying locally grown produce. Chances are, you probably have even been seeing local farmers markets (like the one in the picture below) sprouting up around your neighborhood! But why should you buy local? What's the benefit to you, your community, and the environment? For starters, here are a few reasons to dump the big-name grocery stores, and stick to your local farmers markets:

1. Local food is cheaper.
   According to How Stuff Works, buying local can save you money with fewer hands that are involved. Unlike chain supermarkets, the farmer doesn't have to split up the profits between the packer, the transporter, and the store employees. The savings goes right back into the consumers pocket.

Today, I hopped on the long-board and took a quick ride up to the local farmers market, and picked up all these fruits and vegetables for a whopping $10.61! Not only did I save on a good deal, but look at the vibrant colors on the tomato, bell pepper, and mango- that's when you know they're going to be deliciously full of nutrients.

2. Locally grown food tastes better and is more nutritious.
    Once harvested, produce quickly loses nutrients. Produce that is flash-frozen just after harvest is often more nutritious than "fresh" produce that's on the supermarket shelf for a week. Since local produce is sold right after it's picked, it retains more nutrients. When local produce is picked in the last couple of days, it makes for crisp and flavorful fruits and veggies. Produce that travels long distances are days older, which allows the sugars to turn to starches, plant cells to shrink, and produce loses it's vitality and flavor.

3. Buying local boosts the economy.
    Buying local is more than just a feel-good notion. Many communities around the nation and the world are increasingly dependent upon consumers buying local. When that happens, "those purchases are twice as efficient in terms of keeping the local economy alive," according to an interview with David Boyle, author and researcher for NEF (New Economics Foundation) in an article in Times magazine.It's no wonder why farming is becoming a vanishing occupation- it can't be easy making a living which requires so much overhead cost when you're getting less than 10 cents to every retail food dollar. By buying locally, the middleman disappears and the farmer gets full retail price, in turn helping farmers to continue farming.


  1. I have a couple places that I go to support local. I buy from the market on Baere's, the flea-market in Oldsmar, and I buy honey from USF. At Oldsmar as well you can buy local fish, shrimp, clams, mussels, and oysters. I make a conscious effort to always buy local.

    I do the same with all my fishing gear. I have a guy at the flea-market that I will only support. If he doesn't have it, he orders it for me. I haven't shopped at a Wal-Mart in years and hopefully never will again! I liked your idea of keeping it local and I agree, the more it sits the worse it gets. Worse? Not exactly a good choice but it's how I feel about truck ripened foods.

    1. I work in Oldsmar across from the Flea Market, but I didn't realize you could get local seafood there. Thanks for the feedback! I'll have to check it out.

  2. I had no idea that food bought locally was cheaper. Thank you for opening my eyes !!! Where exactly is this market located?? The chef at my restaurant insists that local food has more flavor.. I always kind of thought he was exaggerating, but after this post I will definitely check out a local market.

    1. This particular market is located in Safety Harbor on Main St. But if you don't live near this area, I know of a farmers market in Tampa off Bearss.

  3. I actually learned a lot from this post. I had no idea that buying locally would help boost our economy. I'm really shocked to see that not only does it help boost our economy but it also helps the consumer by not having to split the costs. I also like how you added that this locally harvested food has more nutrients in it because i'm always looking for fresh fruits and vegetables with the best nutrients possible and now i know where to look.

    1. Thanks for the feedback! I'm really glad you found this post useful, and that people are actually learning things from my posts :)

  4. I have a few places that I buy from and it is so much better than the super market. It is definitely a win-win situation like your post points out. More people should take advantage of these places.

    1. That's great that you shop local when you can! Produce from farmer's markets or produce stands are definitely a better route. Thanks for your comment!

  5. Shopping local is the way to go! I've been to farmer's markets multiple times and I even just enjoy being there and taking in the sights. A trip to the farmer's market makes for a good activity and saves you money, a win-win situation.
